New Fact Sheets Available for the SafeNet Project

European partners are implementing a 24 month project SafeNet: Monitoring and Reporting
for Safer Online Environments.
Joining 21 partners and coordinated by INACH (International Network against Cyber Hate),
the project focuses on continuous monitoring and reporting hate speech content to the IT
companies and responsible authorities and awareness raising by regular advocacy towards
the social media companies, providing consolidated and interpreted data to national
authorities as well as running national bi-monthly information campaigns involving different
stakeholders, including IT companies, public authorities, civil society organisations and
Today we present the fourth fact sheets, presenting data and drawing conclusions on our
monitoring efforts in January-September, 2023. In this monitoring period, partners reported
a growing discrepancy between a regular and trusted flagger user status and increased non-
responsiveness of the platforms.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the
author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. The European
Union cannot be held responsible for them.