jugendschutz.net's Annual Report on Islamism on the Internet 2019/2020

jugendschutz.net's Annual Report on Islamism on the Internet 2019/2020
Go check out jugendschutz.net‘s Annual Report on Islamism on the Internet 2019/2020.
“After the fall of the so-called Islamic State (IS), violent jihadist propaganda is only rarely present in internet services that specifically attract young people. One reason for this was and is that different authorities took joint action at international level. Social media operators also play an essential role by increasingly removing content and accounts.
However, videos glorifying war and calls for terror attacks have by no means disappeared. They still circulate in smaller, new services. Nevertheless, the IS propaganda case shows that consistent, effective action against extremists and their messages on the internet is possible.”
You can find the report online here: https://www.jugendschutz.net/fileadmin/download/pdf/210121_juschu_Islamism_19_20_engl_web.pdf