First Advocacy Roundtable Organized for the SafeNet Project

On 7 November 26, 2023, the first advocacy roundtable was organized under the framework of project SafeNet: Monitoring and Reporting for Safer Online Environments. Representatives of Microsoft, YouTube, META, X, TikTok, Viber as well as representatives of organizations implementing the project, took part in the 2-hour long roundtable.

The online roundtable provided NGOs engaged in continuous monitoring of hate speech comments on social media with an opportunity to provide observations on the process of reporting hate speech comments on different platforms, identify obstacles in the reporting process, and provide feedback. Representatives of IT companies had an opportunity to respond to questions provided by the SafeNet project team, share the latest updates on their reporting process.

The online event provided a unique opportunity for the exchange of opinions and observations, contributing to a better reporting process on different platforms and a safer online space for social media users. Based on the first advocacy roundtable, it was agreed that the SafeNet project coordinator would contact social platform representatives to discuss further the issues raised by the partners. The roundtable will also help finalize the SafeNet advocacy strategy at the beginning of 2024.

The SafeNet project team would like to kindly thank all those present in the advocacy roundtable. Collaboration between IT companies and NGOs is essential in countering hate speech on social media.

The second advocacy roundtable will take place in 2024.

A 24-month project SafeNet: Monitoring and Reporting for Safer Online Environments joins 21 partners and is coordinated by INACH.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. The European Union cannot be held responsible for them.